Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I am shopping for a new light weight laptop, any suggestion?

Please post your ideas here :)


Anonymous said...

هناك إحتمال واحد فقط ..
ماك بوك ..

فهو الجهاز الوحيد الذي تعمل عليه جميع أنظمة التشغيل بدون محاكاة ..

بإختصار ..
لا أرى أي خيار آخر أمامك .. و لا أمامي ..

Issam Saleh Qadan said...

Hello Bandr (بندر )

I have been considering getting macbook for a while now. However, I need the notebook to do development on both Windows platform, and Mac (for iPhone development). Do you have experience with doing developing Windows on MacBook? and how is well Vista runs on the MacBook?