Thursday, January 11, 2007

Two problems with the Apple iPhone

Even though the iPhone is revolutionary I think Steve Jobs is making a huge mistake by not opening up application development for 3rd party. This can be done by providing Apple certification program which ensure the quality of these 3rd party applications. Then its up to the consumer to buy apple certified program or take the risk in running into problems. But to make this a closed system is a huge mistake.

Another limitation that Apple put itself by going through Cingular is not opening the opportunity for Voice Over IP (VOIP) solutions such as the popular service of Skype.

Other than that, I think this is going to be a phenomenal product. Check out this video:


Anonymous said...


Well this is definately a problem both on the end-consumers and business investors. Many consumers these days have the desire to create there own "thing" to accommodate what they bought. For example, vista-you can use other gadgets and if you want develop them on your own. Also, there are some companies out there developing many different applications for many different products as vista OS and some PDA's. Many of them turn out to be investing companies. To add on, i think that if cingular themselves are thinking with their right mind, then they would open the wall to skype, VOIP, and other features not offered by cingular; atleast it's what i think!

Thank you,

< anonymous

Anonymous said...

I think the iPhone is a really nice phone to have! the only 3aib ya is that it's sort of big. but hey all smart phones are that size anyways. i would get it if i had the money.